Being a crunchy, crispy, juicy fruit with a modest amount of sweetness and slight sour taste is slightly being overlooked suddenly nowadays after all the hype of the super foods like berries..
But before start searching and buying those high priced superfoods, let me tell you guys that Apple too has all the required qualities such as good amounts of antioxidants and fiber, Vitamins, Minerals.
Lets check out what actually made the Royal Apple to become a competition to the Royal profession ;-)
Apple skin as well as flesh inside is highly rich in antioxidants which protects all the cells of our body from oxidative cell damage and thus prevents early ageing, cancer, inflammatory conditions etc..
The different kinds of antioxidants in Apples are Quercetin, Kaempferol, Myricetin, Chlorogenic acid, Anthocyanins, Epicatechin etc.. are few of the antioxidants in Apples and at the same time the genuine reason and motivation for all of us to include Apples in our diet atleast thrice a week.
Apples are highly rich in soluble fiber(pectin) which is another reason behind the greatness and nutritive effects of Apples. As we all know fiber is highly helpful in lowering the cholesterol levels, by binding with the excess fat and preventing them to absorb into our body. As the cholesterol levels are kept in check the chances of your arteries to get blocked with plaque is reduced. In this way you are in safer zone when it comes to heart diseases caused by blockage of arteries with all the unnecessary cholesterol that clogs your arteries.
Another fantastic property of Fiber rich foods is the perfect protection they give to your digestive system. Apple being rich in Fiber helps in preventing colorectal cancer, provides benefits by softening the stool thus helps incase you are suffering from haemorrhoids, fissure etc.. Another double edged sword property of this Apple is that it helps during both constipation and Diarrhoea..Wonderful property..Isn't it!!
The good amount of fiber in Apple has also has another advantage that it adds fullness to your tummy and thus helps in preventing you to binge unhealthy stuff. Aiming at a flat tummy and perfect waist line..Have an Apple a day before your meal ;-)
For those who are confused whether to eat the Apple with the peel or without the peel - The Apple peel has lots of antioxidants in it so preferably have the Apple with the peel, if you want to grab the whole nutrition, as you buy an Apple for quite a good amount of bucks. But wash thoroughly before you bite into the juicy fruit and a make that crunchy sounds around :-)
Much more benefits of eating an Apple are coming into limelight with all the research going around, such as eating Apples lowers the incidence of Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, arrests growth of tumor cells, reduces the incidence of type 2 DM, breast cancer, incidence of developing stroke especially in Women, protects your eye lens in long run and prevents cataract formation by atleast 10-20%, sharpens your memory so that you can collect all your money in case if you have lend it to many people ;-)
With all the heroic description of the Apple, can anyone guess that Apple seeds are poisonous and contain a chemical that release Cyanide in very minute amounts in our body if eaten. OMG!! Never knew this.. Right!! Me too.. NEVER CHEW OR EAT APPLE SEEDS. EATING ABOUT MORE THAN 100GMS OF APPLE SEEDS CAN BE FATAL.
So instead of feeding these seeds to your tummy feed them to the motherland(i.e, EARTH) so that the seeds will slowly grow into trees, bearing healthy nutritious fruits.
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