Good evening Friends, I'm back with a post on the super powerful benefits of Green tea..

In continuation with the previous discussion on Green tea, it is loaded with Antioxidants and many research studies have shown that the Catechin in Green tea have a terrific effect in preventing bacterial, viral and any other infections, thus keep you away for example from frequent Influenza attacks, and reduce your Influenza vaccine shots.

Catechin compounds also tend to keep polishing your neurons in brain and thus improve your brain activity, thus reducing the chances getting Alzheimer's disease, and even Parkinson's disease.

The plenty of antioxidants like flavonoids and Catechins in Green tea are known to fight against the free radicals that attack each and every cell of our body. Having foods that contain large amount of antioxidants work perfectly in extensively fighting with the free radicals and successfully defeating them. In this way your cells are safe. Cells means body cells ;-)

Polyphenols in Green tea helps in regulating the Glucose levels and thus is  a perfect drink if any of the Diabetics are in a dilemma, of what drink to have while chilling out;-) If not hot, a chilled version of Green tea bhi  chalega:-) Opt for healthy ways of enjoying or chilling rather than relying only on alcoholic drinks and increasing the revenue of Bar owners while spoiling your precious health, not only health, even many family relations are spoilt with your daily habit of chilling with a glass of alcohol..Think Men!! LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL..ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST AND OPT HEALTHY FOOD.

The Epigallocatechin found in Green tea acts as an anti-allergic and reduces the pollen allergic reactions by blocking the IgE receptors. Huh..That's an awesome property of Green tea..

Green tea also helps in reduction of cholesterol by indirectly increasing the fattyacid oxidation and also it has a role in preventing the complete absorption of cholesterol into the intestines.

Whereas normal milk tea may cause stains on your teeth, the super Green tea helps in maintaining dental hygeine, and also prevents dental cavities. A nice natural liquid cleansing agent instead of the chemical mouth cleansers:-)

Packed with plenty of Vitamins and minerals like Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium etc..Green tea has another exotic property in activating the detoxification enzymes and thus help in detoxifying your body from all the unnecessary greasy and sugary stuff loaded in your digestive system!!

Not only psychological relaxation but Green tea also relaxes your arteries thus improving the blood flow and prevent any disturbances and halts of the blood flow be it in your Heart or Brain, and lessens the risk of Stroke or Atherosclerosis.

Green tea also plays a role in strengthening your bones and thus prevents Osteoporosis at a younger age. The polyphenols in Green tea combine with a form of Vitamin D which improves the structure and strength of bones.

A daily intake of atleast 2-3 cups of Green tea will help in maintaining a good health, and each cup of Green tea will give you a dose about 60mg of Catechin(antioxidant).

Whether you rely on Chinese products or not, you gotto believe on this wonderful Chinese Green tea leaves which will help you live longer :-)


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