Hi Friends,

On a continuation of my previous post, let's have a peep into the other side of the effects of Cake on our body. With all the fancy decorations which includes a lot of frosting, colouring and artificial or natural colouring, the Cakes have an appealing look but at what cost on our health??

The eye catching and pleasant colours add a lot of value to the cake along with a  taste, but how far are these artificial colours are fine to our body.

Though most of the colours are excreted from our body, the remaining minimum percent when consumed regularly on long run can cause harmful effects like, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) in children, decrease in the memory levels of children making them slow at studies or any activity, reason of certain kinds of Allergies, certain Cancers, mostly Brain tumors according to certain research studies, even may induce Asthma in few kids or even elders.

Most of the artificially made colors and flavours are synthetic products and are derived from petroleum combined with few other chemicals..Quite scary to know..Right!!

Few of the dyes used by food industry even contain Cancer causing substances which are the reason behind the increase in frequency of the incidence of Cancer all over the World.

All the Icing and Frosting used as a top up, on the Cakes, are high in Calories as they are made exclusively from sugar, butter and egg, and even mixed with vegetable oils, artificial flavours, artificial colors and preservatives in few Cakes.

The sugar is used in the form of icing sugar or even High fructose corn syrup is used in many instances due to its cheaper availability to the food manufactures and easy to get mixed instantly and thus attain more profitable margins while selling. But this High fructose corn syrup is more dangerous than sugar as it tends to get absorbed immediately and cause sudden rise and sudden fall of your body sugar levels..Such fluctuations of your sugar levels on long run may cause Diabetes. Point to be noted, before you guys get attracted and addicted to the food products stuffed with High Fructose corn syrup.

There is a lot to mention about High fructose corn syrup and lets discuss in detail in a different post on my blog.

The icing made from mostly butter is high in saturated fat and certain vegetable oils are rich in trans fats which when consumed regularly may tend to adapt a shelter for them in your body and slowly build up and start blocking the normal functions of all your organs :-(

The icing is made from beaten raw egg whites in most of the cases and if such icing is not refrigerated properly the gram negative bacteria like Salmonella may find a new home in the icings of cakes and when we happen to eat such cakes we are affected by Salmonellosis, a bacterial infection causing Gastrointestinal disturbances.

If you are a big fat fan of the top up frosting over Cakes rather than the original cake, beware of certain health issues like Diabetes, Heart diseases, Infertility, Liver diseases, Obesity, Cavities, Tooth decay.

Need not sacrifice Cakes but better avoid all the artificial stuff and just have your Cake with natural ingredients and with a very minimal amount of icing, try using colors obtained from natural fruits like Strawberries, Grapes, Carrots, Blueberries, Cocoa etc..

Ok, Fine friends..Eat modestly and opt more for natural food preparations and ditch all the artificial stuff.

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