Hi Friends!!  A big Hello after a long time. I was actually very busy with our new venture, and could not update my blog posts regularly. And here I'm back with the same energy and enthusiasm to spread the healthy information in all the foods we eat normally everyday.

So, Dear Friends, today's post is all about the staple food of Asians 'WHITE RICE'. Also the main food source of nearly half of the world's population. 

I was just wondering that, when rice is the major food source of many people around the world, since ancient times, and where the Asians usually had a low incidence of Diabetes mellitus comparitvely,  why is Rice becoming unpopular slowly, especially WHITE RICE. 

If anyone have noticed that the commercially prepared baby food is Rice and guess, why !! It is the most easily digested, less-allergenic and obviously gives energy to your little bundle of Joy:-)

So being such an important food, how can everyone start neglecting or blaming the staple food which is the main reason for all our energy and livelihood!! 

A point to think, Right!!

You guys might be wondering that I'm saying all about "WHITE RICE" but the image I posted doesn't look white.. Isn't it. I just made a simple mixture with white rice and vegetables and tossed them in a small amount Ghee along with a pinch of salt, turmeric, and few spices which will add not only a good flavour and taste to the bland white rice but also adds a lot of nutrient value to the boss of foods:-) Just felt like using the term "BOSS" for rice, what say friends!! IS IT APT FOR IT?? DROP IN MY COMMENT BOX, WHETHER THE TITLE BOSS SUITES RICE:-)

Let's continue in detail regarding this topic in my next post. Till then "eat healthy and wisely"

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