Let's continue, our discussion regarding the benefits of white rice..
What exactly is white rice is??
It is the name given to milled rice in which husk, bran and germ are removed. And the reason of this milling process is to increase the storage life and to prevent spoilage of the beautiful, tiny, pure, white grains :-)
But during the milling and polishing procedures, a few nutrients present in the white Rice are washed away, making it deficient in a few vitamins and minerals and fibre. But mostly white rice is again enriched with the lost nutrients upto some extent.
I have seen many statements mentioning that white is "empty calories" which is absolutely rubbish!!
Though it might add on a few calories compared to brown rice, it is for sure not empty calories.
We all need approximately 60% of carbohydrates for our daily living. And White rice being a staple diet of nearly half of the world's population, it will happily provide you the required amount of carbohydrates for your body, so that you may never feel energy deprived. And being so versatile and widely and economically available White is Rice is the best.
As few nutrients are lost during the polishing process, you can add vegetables, legumes, along with the rice and make it a perfect meal with all the required nutrients. And this is no new rocket science, instead it is what we all have been taught by our ancestors that have to eat Rice along with Dal, vegetable curry, a Roti, a Pickle, few freshly cut veggies, a cup of curd- A COMPLETE PLATE NUTRIENTS :-)
And let me tell you friends that Rice has no fat, no sodium, no cholesterol which is again a fantastic truth that we all can happily eat rice without any guilt. If any of you can remember that rice water has been used to treat few infections and even tummy problems in ancient times, proves that Rice is something special and really important for us.
Recent research studies have shown that rice has resistant starch and it takes sometime to digest and will slowly breakdown and gives energy.
But just look at the portion of rice you guys eat and let it not exceed more than a small bowl each time you eat, that makes it a small bowl of rice in lunch and a small bowl of rice for dinner too..
Being a clinical nutritionist, I've heard most of my clients say they that they stop rice for few days and suddenly they crave for rice and start binge eating rice. Instead eat rice daily in small portions and you will have double dhamaka:-) BOTH ENERGY AND A MENTAL SATISFACTION OF EATING A FULL MEAL :-)
Good day, Friends!!
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