WOW!! A fruit used as a symbol of love, wild, bright red in colour and an ectastic flavoured juicy fruit, also called angel of fruits with its beautifully swaying green coloured leafy wings;-):-) Oops..I have removed the wings:-(
I guess many of you might have wondered why these strawberries are considered as a symbol of love?? Right!!
Don't break your head friends, it is simple.. because the fruit is in heart shape, and the red colour of strawberries indicate (as we know) LOVE AND PASSION:-)
Let's have a look at a little bit of history before we know the healthy facts of this passionate fruit..
During Roman times, they used to call it as a symbol of love(which we still follow) for Venus God(Goddess of Love) and the Romanians even used to offer these wild berries at the Venus God temples. Interesting..Right!!
Guess what!! Newly married couples in France, were offered strawberries immediately after the marriage rituals , as the french people in those days itself believed that, these seductive and tempty looking fruits are not limited to their looks but also act as Aphrodisiac..Oh! that might be another reason of strawberries being a symbol of love.
If you guys ever happen to visit Belgium, don't miss to visit an exclusive strawberry museum..That's terrific of strawberries to have a museum:-)
All the young boys and girls out there, just check this!! - If at all any of you are struck somewhere how to propose to your true love..Here's a tip.. Take a strawberry, cut it into equal halves and share it with your love and your proposal will be accepted.. Ha..This is what the ancient people in western countries believed. I guess not only ancient people but even till today we consider giving strawberries to someone special:-)
Victorians have symbolised this pretty fruit as a symbol of sweetness and perfection of both character and life:-) A modest crown for the modest fruit:-) Do you know friends, that the victorians had a reason for justifying their words..Let me tell you how..It is that the strawberries are embedded modestly under the leaves which represent their modesty..Fabulous.and hats off to all our ancestors for relating nature and character. (Being a writer I feel overwhelmed whenever I come across such beautiful descriptions in literature)
Another secret friends, that strawberries do belong to the same family to which the Rose flower(also treated as a symbol for love) belongs.
Have any of you observed that strawberries are the only berries with seeds outside the fruit:-) and these yellow coloured seeds were also known to represent happiness.
Strawberries also had their extensive role in providing energy to all the athletes in those days as they were used as Wimbledon snacks..
Another impressive title also belongs to our lovable fruit -"Queen of fruits"
Being the month of February, and as the Valentine's day is just a few days ahead, I guess this is a perfect post :-);-)
Do come back again, to find the actual healthy benefits of the fancy and royal fruit.
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