Hi friends,

Good morning:-)

As the title mentions have any of you ever thought which is better, Buffalo milk or Cow's milk?? I guess most of you might have got the doubt, especially the Asians as the western people have more of Cow's milk.Right..

So, what's the difference?? Is there any difference that we really should be aware, Yes, of course!! There are few points which might help you guys whenever there is an option in choosing Buffalo milk or Cow's milk.

Starting from the appearance these 2 types of milk forms present in two different colours to the limelight;-) Guess how?? The Cow's milk is  densely pale yellow in colour a kind of rich liquid with dense nutrients:-) and the buffalo milk is a kind of what we all use milk to describe anything that is purely white in colour..Just wondering how many variations are there in white colour,  milky white, marble white, pearly white and many more to add..Wow..that's awesome creation of God and if a single colour has so many variations how can any humans be similar, be it in behaviour, looks or whatever, so just appreciate yourself for what you are friends, as each one of us are UNIQUE though similar;-)

Now let me ask a question over here based on my previous paragraph.. As I mentioned that the Cow's milk is dense and pale yellow in colour.. which form of milk do you think has more content of fat? Buffalo milk is known to have more amount of fat and also more amount of protein when compared to Cow's milk. Surprised!! Not really..Right.. If any of you ever happen to remember your elders saying that they used to feed you Cow's milk when you were a cute little chubby baby..and the reason your parents gave Cow's milk in your childhood days was that, the Cow's milk had lesser amount of fat and protein which makes it easier for the kids to digest. 

A good amount of water also is hidden in natural Cow's milk, another best part. Along with kids Cow's milk is preferable for older people and I feel it is better for all people at all ages to have Cow's milk if possible.

Before we go into a conclusion, Buffalo milk also has its priorities like, it has more amount of calcium and phosphorus which are converted into colloidal form and that's the reason of its whiter colour..Oh!

Not only that, due to its whiter colour the artificially prepared whiteners use mostly buffalo milk to prepare the whitener powder and store them in packs..Not only the colour of the Buffalo milk helps the food manufactures commercially but also the super powerful naturally embedded higher levels of bio-protective factors such as Lactofferin, Lysozyme, lactoperoxidase and Immunoglobulins in Buffalo milk helps it to be used for preservation for longer time.

Both Cow's milk and Buffalo milk are rich in Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese..The cow's milk has an extra coin here.. Yes, it has even Iron in it, which is excellent for the production of red blood cells in your body. Buffalo milk is no lesser, and instead of Iron it has Iodine which acts perfect on your thyroid and helps your thyroid hormonal levels to be in place:-)

When Buffalo milk is fed to kids, their tiny digestive system finds it tough in digesting the extra fats in it and may pass on the undigested fats which form into acids, which in turn tend to draw the salts stored in the body which play a major role in development of bones and growth and when these powerful salts are lost the poor innocent kids tend to suffer from Rickets. Hmm.. A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO BE NOTED!!

So, Wat's up friends, which one do you prefer?? Cow's milk or Buffalo milk??

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