Freshly squeezed orange juice.. Sounds perfect..Instead of those
packaged juices in which the concentrate of orange is taken,
highly processed with added preservatives, added sugars and many more acidity regulators..Feeling ashamed of myself for being dependent on those packaged juices all these years..But happy, though late, realised the importance of nature, fresh, pure, ready to eat and top of all a power house of nutrients in a single
Orange coloured, juicy, tangy, pulpy, delicious, naturally sweet Orange:-)
Just imagine how beautiful the Orange is with its bright orange colour with its fibre rich pulp in the form shiny orange crystals..Wonderful..Isn't it?? Now before you all start imagining the beauty of Orange, let me try to explain a few points related to the inner beauty also which in turn is highly beneficial to your health.
I know you all are well aware of the importance of Orange that is, it provides a good amount of
Vitamin C. 1 medium sized orange nearly provides 95% of the required vitamin C for the body and obviously a glass of orange juice squeezed from 2 oranges provides nearly 200% of the required daily allowance of Vitamin C. That's superb! Right..
And now if you start thinking what does this Vitamin C does to your body? There is actually a big list of functions that Vitamin C has a big role. Lets check a few of them..As the name suggests Vitamin C is a Vitamin and we all know that
vitamins are essential for being healthier and protects us from unnecessary infections. Yep..Vitamin C acts perfect here and is a perfect soilder for your body and
improves immunity thus keeping you away from any kind of bacterial, viral infections.
Nowadays Vitamin C has been awarded a big trophy which included it under the list of the super antioxidants and vitamin C is worth of it, as it
destroys or suppresses the free radicals (which are the cause of many cancers) well in advance even before they start attacking the cells of our body..Perfect radical scavenger..Right..
Vitamin C also prevent the mutations that occur in DNA of the healthy cells and thus reduce the chances of getting attacked by the silent killer., Cancer.. Huh..Thankful to the natural antioxidant(Vitamin C).
If you are in a notion that only carrots are rich in Vitamin A, you are wrong.. Oranges have ample amount of Vitamin A, and a single medium Orange will give you nearly 50% of your daily requirement.
Vitamin A also acts as an antioxidant and helps in improving eyesight, prevents the macular degeneration and also improves the function of your bean shaped kidneys so that they perform their excretory functions perfectly..That' cool..
Manganese, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Folic acid, Phosphorus, Zinc, Chlorine and pectin are few important minerals embedded in this beautiful juicy fruit.
Folate helps in growth of new red blood cells thus keeps a little distance from the word anaemia(low blood) which otherwise is quite common in developing countries and mostly women are commonly effected with this Anaemia due to excessive blood loss during their menstrual cycles, pregnancy.
Folate also helps in conception and works great during the early months of pregnancy to protect your baby from neural tube defects. SO, all the pregnant women out there have your glass of orange juice regularly:-)
Oranges have a good amount of
magnesium which helps in regulating your blood pressure thus helping you overcome the unnecessary mercury spikes;-)
Hesperidin, D-limonene and Naringenin are few antioxidants out of the 60 antioxidants available in Oranges.
Hesperidin is known to reduce tumor growth, and also kills the cancer cells..Oh! Wow..Thought only chemotherapy and radiotherapy will kill cancer cells.. Right..Not only that Hesperidin also plays an active role in improving the blood flow in the small blood vessels.
A quite familiar point that antioxidants act as good
natural anti-inflammatory agents and prevent from many inflammatory conditions like arthritis and help in
relieving stiffness and pain of your joints. Arthritis - A common disability nowadays and all three kind of treating specialities(Allopathic, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic) are actively promoting their role in treating arthritis..Wonder, which works best :-( Just try out if a glass of fresh Orange juice without any sugar daily, works for you and let me know :-)
D-Limonene in Oranges helps in reducing the chances of certain cancers like
Breast cancer, Mouth cancer, Colon cancer, Lung cancer etc, as mentioned in certain research studies..
calcium hidden in Oranges helps in maintaining strong teeth and bones. Another important and most tempting fact of Orange juice is that the Vitamin C in it helps in
growth of new tissues in the body and even acts as a good mechanic in repairing your damaged cells. Being an important component in the synthesis of collagen, Vitamin helps you maintain good skin integrity and also makes your hair perfect and shiny. In a single word, Orange juice makes your
skin glow and prevent from early aging signs:-) Oh! This might be the reason that most of the actors and actresses depend on their daily dose of Orange juice to maintain their professional requirements:-)
potassium in Oranges helps in controlling the blood sugar metabolism and thus keeps a regular check on your glucose levels. Magnesium, Potassium and Vitamin C helps in
reliving you from stress by helping the thyroid and adrenal glands. Wonderful!!
Before you break your heads if a whole orange fruit or a glass of orange juice is better ?? the nutrients are the same in both except certain amount of fibre is lesser in the juice. But just be moderate in preparing juice as orange has sucrose, glucose and fructose when taken in large huge amounts and may affect your blood sugar levels. The reason I'm stressing huge is many people just avoid oranges thinking it may cause sugar accumulation, but if you use
only 2 oranges in making juice and dilute with a little bit of water that will be perfect for your day.
Good day Friends:-)